We make people grow and glow by coming together


How to become a member

In order to attend our events you need to be a member and to rent our stuff you need to be a member who have attended at least one event.

Membership costs 150 SEK / year and expires at the end of December unless you renew it.

Follow the link, download the app “Cardskipper” to create an account, pay your membership fee and get you digital membership card.



Members forum

Our forum is at www.discord.com

1. In order to join you need to become a member (follow instructions on the left)
2. From the membership app “Cardskipper” you’ll find the link to join the forum!
3. Create your account and start to explore

At our forum at Discord you’ll find different channels, rooms and groups to get organised and going with the community.

Reach out

Just want to say hello or are you full of question? Whatever your reason is, you can always reach out to us by mail. Don’t hesitate!

Our pillars

We want to deepen the contact between people and create a sense of belonging

We want to encourage a culture where everybody are free to create but also taking responability

We want to create a culture where we support, encourage and engage each other